Owen Sound Bed & Breakfast Web Design Client

Booking calendarEvery project seems to take you on a new journey of learning and understanding a client and their business. With our Between the Maples Owen Sound Bed & Breakfast website project you can really see the type of relationship we built with the client in order to properly discover and showcase the brand and customer reach intentions that they desired for their business.  A required ad-on was for Trip Advisor ratings, a booking calendar system and the rating they have with the Federation of Ontario Bed and Breakfasts Accommodations FOBA.

We applied Gem Webb’s Four Quadrants of Tourism Marketing concept that aligns Things to Do with Place’s To Stay within the site’s content to increase exposure to online searchers.

Although this is one of the smaller websites we’ve done in recent months it’s a great brand and we’re very proud of the solution that came from our efforts. A large part of the success of this brand is due to the participation and cooperation we had with the Gord Trimble (business owner) throughout the entire process. Upon receiving our client questionnaire he was thorough and communicated exactly how he felt about their business.  We were able to use that to create a beautiful website within their budget and that also integrated with their current booking system and highly important Trip Advisor rating system.

The goal of this site was easy, to showcase the beautyTrip advisor of the Owen Sound, Ontario location and make it easy for their clients to see what makes Between the Maples B&B unique. The great photos provided by our client implemented nicely to the mobile friendly web design. We wanted to showcase the natural beauty of the location as well as the great feel of the decor on the inside. We feel this will give their perspective clients the preview they need to want to continue to their booking system and book a night or two!

After launch we’ve seen the site has gotten great traction both in website stats and SEO rankings that we believe is due to having a solid grasp on many of the important B&B related keywords for Owen Sound and area. We are really looking forward to continuing to help Gord gain more business exposure through their new local mobile-friendly accommodation website!

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